

New urine test predicts high-grade cancer

Double dippers are everywhere – the 4th of July barbeque, family reunions, Super Bowl parties, anywhere chips and dip are a staple. These are the people who take a bite and dip their chips a second time when they think no one is looking.
Just ask George

Leave it to George Costanza on Seinfeld to make double dipping a mainstream public health scare. The episode, which originally aired in 1993, brought shame to George as he was caught dipping a chip a second time at a wake. The partygoer objecting to this practice exclaims “That’s like putting your whole mouth right in the dip!”
But is double dipping really so bad?

Ever since that Seinfeld episode, the “health menace” of double dipping has been a mainstay of party conversation, high school science projects, and even high-level academic investigation. Perhaps the most influential was a 2009 study performed at Clemson University and published in the Journal of Food Safety, entitled “Effect of biting before dipping (double-dipping) chips on the bacterial population of the dipping solution.” The title alone may be enough to make you lose your appetite.

The researchers carefully analyzed bacterial contamination before and after a person double dips. Here’s what they found:

    Bacterial counts in the dip increased significantly after a person took a bite from a chip and then dipped again.
    The number of bacteria contaminating the dip varied depending on the dip – salsa had more bacteria after double-dipping compared with chocolate or cheese dips (perhaps due to differences in thickness and acidity of the dips).

Similar findings were noted when bacteria counts were measured after a bitten chip was dipped in water.
So just how risky is double dipping?

It’s important to note that this research was not designed to find people who became sick because someone else double dipped. And, considering that our mouths are normally packed with bacteria, it doesn’t necessarily follow that more bacteria in the dip means double dipping is dangerous.

However, this research does raise the possibility that a person who is sick (or about to be) might spread a disease by re-dipping a chip. Documented examples of this are hard to find – if you know of one, let me know! But even if the risk is hard to prove, the risk may be real. We know of many respiratory diseases that can be spread by contact with saliva, such as influenza (the flu) or whooping cough. Still, there are probably much bigger risks at your next office party than double dipping. You’re more likely to contract an illness from a sick person coughing or sneezing in your face or if they don’t wash their hands while sick than you are from a healthy double-dipper. So, while it’s reasonable to discourage double dipping, it’s unlikely to pose a major risk to your health.
And if you’re a double dipper…

And, for habitual double-dippers, I wonder about a more responsible option: turn the chip around to double dip from the unbitten end of the chip. Stand by – somewhere in America there is a high school kid setting up that experiment right now. As the 2016 summer Olympics get underway, we will see elite women athletes compete at the highest level of their sports. And as we cruise toward September, many more young women will return to the field, court, and pool on college and high school teams. We know that many women who don’t consider themselves athletes exercise more and restrict calories to lose or maintain their weight. This can be a formula for disaster.

The benefits of an active lifestyle and participation in sports are many. However, proper and adequate nutrition is paramount to a woman’s health — particularly for strong and healthy bones. This is especially true for female athletes.

After Title IX — which ensured athletic opportunities for women in programs that received federal financial assistance — was passed in 1972, the number of women participating in sports skyrocketed. About 20 years after Title IX, a group of physicians identified a set of three symptoms commonly seen in women athletes. The original definition of the female athlete triad consisted of eating disorders, irregular menstrual cycles, and reduced bone mineral density (weakened bone strength that can lead to osteoporosis). Malnutrition led to abnormalities in the menstrual cycle, which in turn affected bone density.

The triad was thought to affect primarily women participating in weight-dependent or judging sports, such as gymnastics, ice skating, or endurance running. However, many athletes remained undiagnosed because criteria for the triad diagnosis remained elusive. In 2007, the definition transitioned into a spectrum disorder involving “low energy availability” (inadequate carbohydrate intake), absence of menstrual periods, and decreased bone mineral density.

Most recently the International Olympic Committee has coined the term RED-S — Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport. This exemplifies the importance of fueling your body with the appropriate amount of energy (food) for the duration and intensity of activity performed. In other words, if you don’t eat enough, there will be repercussions, some serious. Poor nutrition and insufficient calories for the amount of exercise you do will lead to changes in your body’s hormone levels and directly affect bone density.
Why is it so important to balance activity and adequate nutrition?

Let’s talk about bone health. We know that we can build bone density until about age 25. After that we can only work to maintain what we’ve got. If young female athletes are losing bone density, it can never be replaced.

We also know that female athletes suffer from two to three times the number of stress fractures compared to male athletes. And women athletes with missed menstrual cycles (which can happen when activity outpaces calories consumed) have two to four times the risk of stress fractures compared to women with normal monthly menstrual cycles.

A stress fracture occurs when the bone is subject to more stress or impact than it can handle. This may simply be due to overtraining, or increasing training too quickly without giving the bones adequate time to adapt. Stress fractures can also be due to a lower bone mineral density, which means it takes less force to cause damage. This often is the result of the female athlete triad — a direct result of not eating enough, or not eating enough of the right foods. If we can educate our youth on the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and supplying their active bodies with the energy they need, then we can prevent many of these injuries and maybe even reduce the chances that a woman develops osteoporosis later in life.

We know exercise is important. We know that a healthy weight is important. But what may not get enough attention is the fact that eating healthy calories to replenish and fuel the body is vital to athletes’ health, in particular for strong and resilient bones. Remember, bones are also a girl’s best friends. And they should be like diamonds — strong and dense. We need to work to make sure they are. Suspicious findings from prostate cancer screening are often followed by a procedure most men would prefer to avoid: a prostate biopsy. But what if biopsies actually could be avoided on the basis of non-invasive test results? Screening tests are moving in that direction, with some intriguing results. One of them, the Prostate Health Index blood test, combines measures of three forms of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) into a score that helps doctors predict if a cancer is likely to progress, with an aim to circumvent biopsies that aren’t necessary. Another non-invasive test, called the PCA3 assay, measures genetic evidence of aggressive cancer in urine samples, and generates a score designed to help doctors assess the need for a repeat biopsy. Though approved by the Food and Drug Administration, these tests aren’t perfect, and experts question the reliability of the PCA3 test in particular.

Now researchers are considering the value of a new test that also looks for evidence of high-grade prostate cancer in urine. The results were reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association last April. Called the “urine exosome gene expression assay,” it measures not just PCA3 but also two other genes associated with high-grade disease: ERG and SPDEF. The test combines those measures into a diagnostic score that “could help determine if an initial prostate biopsy is warranted,” said its co-developer Dr. Michael Donovan, a pathologist and researcher at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. According to Donovan, the goal is to limit the number of prostate cancer biopsies, which are costly, painful, and prone to hospital-acquired infections.

The study enrolled 1,563 men from 22 community and academic urology clinics in the United States. According to results with a final grouping of 519 men, assay scores over a “cut-off” value of 15.6 predicted high-grade cancer correctly 92% of the time. The assay didn’t always get it right: 12 men were misdiagnosed as having low-risk cancer when they in fact had higher-grade disease.. But most of those tumors, Donovan said, fell into an intermediate-risk category that some doctors would consider eligible for active surveillance instead of treatment.

The genes measured reside in small vesicles called exosomes that are secreted by prostate cells. For the test, men have to provide a “first-catch” urine sample. That’s because prostate exosomes are concentrated in the initial stream and numbers decline as urination continues. “In our view, the assay can be combined with other standard-of-care factors during clinical decision making,” Donovan said. “Right now, it’s designed for men who have never had a biopsy, but we’re also moving towards studies that will assess its use in other settings, such as active surveillance.”

Dr. Marc Garnick, the Gorman Brothers Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and editor in chief of, cautioned that while the number of non-invasive tests for prostate cancer diagnosis is growing, these are still early days in their development. “Until we better understand how these tests correlate with the behavior of the prostate tumors they can help diagnose, they remain very much in the research sphere,” he said.
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The dangers of this potent “man-made” opioid

In recent years, the media has been awash with information on the health benefits of exercise. Exercise is known to boost mood in adults. But what about younger members of society? Based on recent, high quality survey data, we can estimate that about 11% of adolescents are depressed. Sadly, this means that one in 10 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 experienced a major depressive episode during the year of the survey. These numbers should raise alarm bells for both parents and doctors.

Depression makes teens feel awful, but being depressed as a teen may also have life-long consequences, including being depressed as an adult. Depressive episodes in teens can contribute to poor grades, poor interpersonal relationships, and worse physical health. Depression can also increase the burden of care for parents. In a recent post, I discussed how a teen’s social network can impact his or her chances of becoming depressed. There, we explored how having friends with good spirits could exert a positive influence on a teen’s mood. We have also previously touched on some of the concerns with giving teens antidepressant medication. Today we will tackle the hot topic of exercise and depression in adolescents.
A carefully conducted analysis of exercise and depression in teens

A recent study attempted to delve into the data behind exercise as a treatment for depression in teens. The authors initially screened 543 studies and found 11 to include in their analysis. Of those 11, only eight yielded good data to use for more specific calculations. In general, although not always, these types of analyses are particularly powerful because the authors use rigorous criteria when deciding which studies to include.

The teens included in this analysis were 13 to 17 year olds, who did not have any major physical health problems, such as obesity. The data from the studies compared the use of exercise as treatment for depression against a psychosocial intervention, an educational intervention, treatment “as usual”, or no treatment at all. After combining data, the authors eventually concluded that exercise appears to lead to moderately improve depression in adolescents, particularly in those already receiving some formal treatment. But, treatment “as usual” was not well defined, and we don’t know, for example, how many of these teens were taking antidepressant medication.
Will exercise really help teens suffering with depression?

So, should we conclude from this study that all teens with depression should be treated, to some extent, with exercise? It is tempting to say yes. However, concluding that all teens with depression should be treated with exercise would over-simplify the results of this study.  A person (adult or teen) with depression will likely find that exercise helps improve symptoms to some degree. However, this study doesn’t support the statement that exercise is the best cure for depression. Instead, it would be more accurate to say that in teens who are already undergoing treatment for depression, exercise appears to be a strategy with modest benefits and little downside. This particular study is a wonderful addition to our knowledge base, in that it puts another tool into a doctor’s toolkit to help treat patients with depression in clinical settings. Every day, about 10 people die from drowning — and two of them are children. Not only that, for every child that dies from drowning, five more are treated in emergency room for injuries from drowning, which can include permanent and severe brain injuries.

Here are the five things all parents and caregivers need to know about drowning:

    Drowning can be silent. When we think about drowning, we think about flailing arms and calls for help, but that’s not how it usually works. What usually happens is that people take the biggest breath they can and go down — and don’t come back up again. They can’t flail and they can’t yell. You could miss it. To learn more about this, check out the great post, “Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning.”
    Drowning can happen where there are lifeguards. In 2011, a woman slid to the bottom of a guarded public pool in the Boston area and drowned — and her body wasn’t discovered for two days because the water was murky. While that may be an extreme case, people drown where there are lifeguards all the time. Lifeguards can’t always see everything, especially when drowning can be silent — and they can get distracted just like anyone else. Just because there is a lifeguard doesn’t mean you don’t have to watch your child.
    Drowning can happen in very little water. All it takes is enough water to get your face in. Children can drown in a kiddie pool, a bathtub, a bucket of water, or a toilet bowl.
    Good swimmers can drown. They can get tired, they can get a cramp, they get can caught in a rip current or in something underwater — or they can bump their head. Just because your child is a good swimmer doesn’t mean something bad can’t happen.
    Drowning is preventable. Here’s what you can do:

    Teach your child to swim. Sign them up for a swimming class — look for one that teaches water safety skills, too.
    Learn CPR. It’s easy to learn, and saves lives.
    If you have a pool, make sure it is completely fenced all around — and has a self-latching or self-locking gate.
    Use lifejackets whenever you go out on the water, on anything.
    Teach your children what to do if they get caught in a rip current: instead of fighting it and trying to swim back to shore against it, swim parallel to shore and ease your way out of it.
    Keep your eyes on your child at all times when they are in any kind of water. This includes bathtubs and kiddie pools; if you need to take your eyes off them, take them out of the water. At the beach or pool, keep your eyes on your children even if there is a lifeguard. You can read or look at your phone later. Nothing is more important than your child’s life.
In July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that a woman in Miami-Dade County in Florida had tested positive for the Zika virus. Follow-up to this case led health officials in Florida to report a total of 15 cases in the area. These weren’t the first people in the United States, or even in Florida, to contract Zika. But these cases were unique in one important way –– they were likely caused by mosquitoes in the United States.

The CDC promptly issued a travel warning for pregnant woman and their partners, warning them not to visit the small community of Wynwood, just north of Miami, where these Zika cases first occurred. This is the first time the CDC has ever issued a warning to pregnant women about traveling to a place within the United States because of the threat of infectious disease.
It’s no surprise that local mosquitoes carry Zika

For many health officials it wasn’t a question of whether Zika was going to get to the United States, but rather when it would arrive. Currently, there are more than 1,400 travel-related Zika cases in the United States, and U.S. territories like Puerto Rico are grappling with more than 3,800 cases. Also, parts of the United States are home to the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry the virus, with southern states like Texas and Florida bearing the greatest risks for outbreaks due to their warmer climates.

The news that mosquitoes in the United States have been found to carry Zika is certainly concerning, but experts say that Zika likely won’t spread here as it has in countries in Central and South America. “Our housing is generally better here, and since we’re more likely to have AC, we can keep our houses sealed off better,” says Dr. John Ross, an infectious disease expert and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “We also tend to have more robust healthcare in the U.S. than in other places, so we can track and treat these cases more effectively.”
How do you know if you have Zika…and how can you avoid it?

The CDC reports that only about 20% of people who get the virus go on to show symptoms, which are usually mild and typically include a low-grade fever, sore or aching joints, conjunctivitis (“pink eye”), and a rash. However, the virus does pose a greater danger to pregnant women and their unborn children, as studies have shown that Zika may cause microcephaly. Microcephaly is a birth defect in which a baby’s head is unusually small. Often, the brain has not developed properly, which can result in neurological and developmental problems. Current research estimates that 1% of all pregnant women with Zika will give birth to a child with these neurological issues.

In addition to their travel advisories, doctors at the CDC have also provided information about how to prevent mosquito bites and decrease the risk of developing Zika:

    Avoid areas with Zika. Women who are pregnant or who are trying to become pregnant should avoid areas with known Zika cases.
    Use insect repellant. It’s a simple and maybe obvious step — using insect repellant helps deter mosquitoes and prevent bites.
    Wear clothing that provides coverage. Long sleeves and long pants protect your arms and legs from mosquitoes and help prevent bites.
    Practice safe sex. Zika can be spread through sex, so it’s important to use a condom to prevent sexual transmission. If you have been anywhere with an outbreak of Zika, doctors recommend that you use a condom for 8 weeks after your return if you don’t show symptoms of Zika, and for 6 months if you do show symptoms in order to prevent transmission to you sexual partner.
    Travel safely. If you are traveling to an area with known cases of Zika, take the proper safety precautions and watch for travel advisories. Doctors may recommend vaccines or other medications.

Although it’s concerning to see cases of Zika in the United States, they don’t necessarily signal the beginning of a widespread epidemic. “We always need to be vigilant,” says Ross. “The good thing is that people are aware of the dangers of Zika, and we have the tools we need to limit and monitor its spread.” As we watch the devastation of the opioid crisis escalate in a rising tide of deaths, a lesser known substance is frequently mentioned: fentanyl. Fentanyl’s relative obscurity was shattered with the well-publicized overdose death of pop star Prince. Previously used only as a pharmaceutical painkiller for crippling pain at the end of life or for surgical procedures, fentanyl is now making headlines as the drug responsible for a growing proportion of overdose deaths.
So what is fentanyl and why is it so dangerous?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, meaning it is made in a laboratory but acts on the same receptors in the brain that painkillers, like oxycodone or morphine, and heroin, do. Fentanyl, however, is far more powerful. It’s 50-100 times stronger than heroin or morphine, meaning even a small dosage can be deadly.

Its potency also means that it is profitable for dealers as well as dangerous for those who use it, intentionally or unintentionally. Increasingly heroin is being mixed with fentanyl so someone who uses what they think is heroin may in fact be getting a mixture with — or even pure — fentanyl. More recently, pills made to look like the painkiller oxycodone or the anxiety medication Xanax are actually fentanyl. This deception is proving fatal. It would be like ordering a glass of wine and instead getting a lethal dose of pure ethanol. While many people don’t know they are getting fentanyl, others might unfortunately seek it out as part of the way the brain disease of addiction manifests itself into compulsively seeking the next powerful high.
Helping people who use fentanyl

The way to help patients who are using fentanyl is the same as for other forms of opioid use disorder: to provide effective addiction treatment. However, the first and most important step is helping patients stay safe and stay alive until we can get them that treatment.

It’s worth remembering that dead people don’t recover.

To stop the deaths, we must provide immediate access to lifesaving treatment on demand. While any opioid use is risky, fentanyl has raised the stakes. Every single episode of fentanyl use carries the risk of immediate death. This highlights the need to change how we think about treatment. Many of the traditional models of addiction treatment were designed for alcohol use disorder. Misuse of alcohol can be fatal, but it usually takes many years or even decades to kill someone. In contrast, opioid addiction is imminently fatal, so waiting for treatment is and should be considered unacceptable. We must try to initiate treatment at every opportunity — in the emergency department, at the hospital bed, or even on the street. The best evidence we have shows that a combination of medication and psychosocial treatments is most effective for opioid use disorder. A study of MassHealth patients found that patients on medication treatments like methadone or buprenorphine are 50% less likely to relapse. Other studies have shown that patients treated with these medications are 50% (or more) less likely to die. And yet significant stigma and misunderstanding still exists around these medications. We have treatment programs (and doctors) that don’t offer these medications and patients who are doing wonderfully in recovery thanks to them, but who are also scared to speak out and say they are on medication because the stigma is so pervasive.

Even with our best efforts, it can take time for some people to be open to treatment. In those cases, our priority is to keep them alive and to keep working with them on their readiness to consider treatment. This requires access to naloxone, the antidote to overdoses. But it also includes other education and harm reduction services. People who have loved ones who are actively using and those who are using themselves need to know how to stay safe. There is very concrete education that can reduce the risk of overdose and we need to ensure it is getting to those at the greatest risk.
Moving forward

In Massachusetts alone, deaths due to fentanyl overdose have risen to 57% between 2015 and the first half of 2016. These deaths are yet another symptom of the broader epidemic of opioid addiction. Just as deaths from AIDS are due to untreated HIV, deaths from overdose are frequently due to untreated addiction. Prince’s death is a reminder that opioid addiction is a disease that can and does affect people from all economic classes and all walks of life.
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Study Habits of Highly Effective Students

Hey guys. So I hope you guys have had a really great 2018 I’m so full of a cold somehow I’m finishing 2018 feeling no great, but I wanted to sit down and talk to you guys about some of the study habits or the study goals that I have set for myself for 2019 to this time of year when everyone starts to, you know, reflect on that 2018 set goals, set resolutions, stuff like that for the new year.

So I have set myself some habits and goals for studying specifically, it’s what I really want to achieve. And it’s what I’ve noticed that I could do better or things that I sometimes do, I don’t do all the time and I want to make them a habit because I feel that when I do do them I work more productively or I feel better about the work they’ve done. So I’m sharing these because I thought that you might want to hear that.

I put it on my Instagram and you guys were interested. And obviously if you think that they might be of use to you guys, then you can obviously employ them and try and make them a habit for you as well. I have written them down, I’ve got five and I’ve written them on a not so sticky, sticky note because these things like don’t stick anywhere. Okay, so the first one is to use timers. I’ve noticed that when I say set a timer for like half an hour, 40 minutes or an hour or something, I find that I work more productively in that time. Because I have a bit of a time pressure I can just work without timers and that’s what I do most of the time. However, I do notice quite big difference when I put a timer on because it means that in the hour or half an hour, I have to learn some notes that I’ve set myself to learn and without a timer. I’m like there’s no stop on this so I can just you know, take my time.

Time and I will set the duration as I see kind of fit. So if I’m trying to learn like a few sides of writing or some notes or something like actually learn it and get it my brain, then I’ll set myself a good amount of time like 40 minutes to an hour, especially if I if I haven’t read those notes quite recently, and they’re going to be quite new.

And then when I’m trying to draw something, I’ll shorten the time and see how long it takes me to get through something on to just see how much I can say, regurgitate if I’m doing it without my notes, and like half an hour, 15 minutes, something like that. So it’s a way to maximize productivity and to just really get your brain and gear it’s kind of more like an exam situation and what you’ll have at the end of the year because yes, everything is time pressured, it just kind of gets you used to that and I can just set one on my watch. I used to use my phone which is just as good or you can just use the clock on your laptop, anything at all just that one and when that timer goes off you either

Move on something else. You take some breaks, get something to eat, get something to drink. And yeah, I just think it’s a really great way to stay on schedule as well. And to just be more productive. I like it. I really do like time. Oh, so you. Second one is to take more brief breaks. And it’s not to do studying. I know. But it can really help you to reset your mind to like calm your mind, and then prepare you for the next bit of work that you’re going to do. So I’m someone who can very easily just get sucked into working, working nonstop and not giving myself any breaks. I’m most rushing to get things done. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be productive and get everything that I’ve wanted to do that day complete.

I do often try and fill my day so it’s crammed full and I don’t give myself any space or time to just breathe. As you guys know, if you watch and keep up to date on my channel, I have used some meditation

apps recently and on my watch as well, which is actually turning out to be really useful in many ways. It pings at me all the time throughout the day telling me to take a one minute brief break. And so far since I’ve had the watch, it’s really bad. I’ve done it once. However, I do notice that when I do take a brief break, it allows me to just calm you know, just like settle down, let my brain and illusion neurons are firing rapidly, just like calm down for a bet. And even if it’s just a minute, I do notice a difference because I’m not so uptight about things.

When people do come in and I’m studying I often will just be like in the zone and I can’t be distracted. However, if I actually take a one minute out one minute, 60 seconds. It’s nothing it’s not going to change anything, but it’s just gonna make a huge difference. And yeah, I need to really appreciate that. If I do meditate or I breathe for a set time, just think

Nothing I’m trying to my mind and make such a huge difference. So I need to do it more often. Number three, yeah, this one, okay, it’s gonna be hot. This one really hard it is to reduce the time spent on the screen. And the reason why I say it’s hot is because everything or the majority of things that I do on a screen and I’m ready don’t like that. So I love working and I love the fact I put myself on my end and the stuff I do online, but everything is on a screen. I’m walking on a screen.

If I’m reading something on the screen, editing a video on a screen posting Instagram picture up on a screen. Everything is just digitalized. And I know that my eyesight has really deteriorated since I’ve been at university and that’s because I’ve just been reading so much stuff I’ve been looking at things that are very close up I slightly short sighted so she was like fine things and the distance and far away especially things on the screen there looking

Blood well okay

yeah I don’t wear them very often because I only really need them in like lectures or if I go to the cinema sometimes I wear them even though the screen is huge it’s because it’s a pixelated and it looks at blood to me and if I’m going to see a show something I read last I’m sorry the like blowing and I can’t see everything but yeah, these are like losses.

So I’m really paranoid about my eyesight by don’t actually try and do anything to help it but then I do if I can, because as I said, everything is on a screen. However, I’m kind of thinking like I need to that for just make sure that I alternate between doing something on a screen and doing something that’s not on a screen as much as possible. So sometimes I will find myself hours or even the whole day just on a screen doing something and last time, especially when I was writing my dissertation and just reading papers online, so I’m not going to print them off because then that’s a waste of ink and paper.

I’ve read everything my destination on a string so much reading last time for my dissertation especially and everything was online I felt that sometimes I would just get up when I’m saying going to dance and going out and stopping my eyes would just be so

I don’t know blood could fall forward couldn’t really focus yes it will give you a headache if you’re on a screen for such a long time and I did get some headaches sometimes especially last time yes I like to stay hydrated but sometimes hydration wasn’t a problem

and that’s when I knew I’ve just been on the screen for too long and I also noticed as well my is extremely hot and read the not necessarily hop I just feel that all the blood inside my body has just been sucked to my ears and they go bright red and then I can feel them burning and like posting like a hobby is I in my is it’s so bad and I wasn’t a strange castle for like a list of my arrows. rad. There’s a line here and the rest of me is just like this beautiful pale color.

And yeah, those are my symptoms. And when I get headaches and I my eyes forward and my ears garage and everything’s posting, I know that I’ve been on the screen for too long. And I experienced that too many times last time, especially reducing time spent on the screen is going to be hard. bought my solution or my goal next year especially, is to just, you know, alternate between doing something on a screen and doing something on the screen. Sorry, I’m reading screams I love them or hate them at the same time. Okay, number four is to Yeah, okay. I’ve written Don’t be scared to dive in.

doesn’t make any sense to you, but it does in my head and I’m going to explain it. Okay. So my problem sometimes is that before I say like I’m writing an essay without any notes, or I practice something as if it were an exam like without any notes or without any guidance and help under a certain time limit. I find I put those things on

off until I feel 100% confident in the stuff that I’ve been learning. I’m really bad at that. I put things off until I feel that I am 100% confident and everything that I know, I know that I have enough to write about in an essay or I can answer questions about that. Or I feel as if I just know enough detail before I then test myself will write an essay and I need to take more of a risk sometimes to just you know, like, dive in, jump in do it straight away, even if I don’t know anything fully because that will then highlight to me what I need to go back over and then what I need to work on. So I’m just very good at putting it off and being like, No, I’m not ready yet. When I have experienced especially a university in an exam What does an essay title which I have to write but I don’t know very much about the topic or it’s very big

and pleasure especially those one question which I think

Didn’t revise for at all and I had to write an essay on it. So it’s gonna mimic those situations if I practice it and that will make it so much easier to deal with. If you’re in an exam and you’re faced with that situation you know go for it you know i don’t know everything I’m but like

on the topic, just do it and see what happened. So the last one is too I’ve just realized all my folders like stacked up there and some random stuff just junk in the corner of my room. Yeah, it’s it’s quite specific one this is to plan essays or your essays because that is everything that get examined on this year. It’s essays as you plan them every single bloody time Holly, I am so good applying my day. Tell me to write to do list I will jump on it very happily. Tell me to plan an essay. I’m like, oh, why don’t just dive straight in and get writing you know, more time to write down more stuff when actually

When I plan that goes so much better. Most of the time I’m planning is just in general a very good thing. However, when I’m writing essays, especially in exams, well like mocks I just forget about the plan and just dive straight in and that is bad. You know God holy No, don’t do that holy and I don’t advise it and I am very good at just not planning essays don’t know why.

Why do you know why? It’s because I’m like, I need more time. I need as much time as possible to write as much done as I can. Sometimes that’s that’s going fine. We’ve come to a conclusion and it’s fine without a plan. However, I have had situations where I’ve just, you know, blood on a play a play on the page written down whatever kind of came to mind next. And that for the structure was not great. You know, I have had that and that was last year in an exam. I remember quite vividly that happening. And I remember just writing and I remember finishing

Like what just happened? Like, I was just sick on a page, you know,

that really didn’t make sense that there was nothing I could do because I had to move on to the next essay. Otherwise I’d run out of time. And that was a bad move. You know, you only learn these things when you make the mistake that was an exam. And I could have told you that I did worse than that exam before I my marks came out, and that was 100% accurate. That was my last exam because I knew just didn’t write the plan that went wrong. Um, so yeah, every time holy from now on plan, and you guys plan essays. If you’re writing essays, or even if you’re writing an extended answer something like that planet, please. I don’t do it enough. I need to do it every single time from now on. plan, plan, plan, plan.

plan every time. Okay, you got that now? Yes, I think it’s drilled. That’s five. That’s five of my study habits goals for 2019.

Was it gonna say oh yes me up coming study videos I’m going to be doing I have planned. You see, I plan these things last is I have thoughts about making them kind of famed or where it’s appropriate. I’m going to theme them and I’m going to be answering a question in one study video. For example, I am definitely going to be doing ones where I talk about whether I listen to music or not, when I’m studying one about how I study when I’m out. If you have any specific questions related to studying, please now’s your chance to leave them in the comments down below. And then if you like something someone has suggested that like that comment on the top ones who get priority, see, I’m going to be answering them and I study video so you get me studying and you will also get me answering a question related to studying that some of you guys might all be thinking because we don’t know if we’re all thinking about these things unless somebody writes it down and you guys like that common and we all find out that it’s a big question in the story.

The world also if you take any pictures of yourself studying on notes you know there’s playing bass notes that we all love definitely tag me and hashtag study with Holly be shows data and I can repost some of them the new yeah How did 2018 go too fast I don’t even know 2018 has been it’s not gone it’s 29

Happy New Year to you guys I’m going to say um yeah I will see you in 2019 a house Gary let’s see what happens Be sure to like this video and yeah for new around here you want to join my YouTube little family down please hit the subscribe Matter what type of circumstances that you have been raised in, or have experienced, you always have the ability to find a way out and create success for yourself. And I had to do that in my own life and see all the college students go towards the campus. And I thought to myself, where are they going, what are they doing, why they look different than the rest of people there in the group and and that always kept in the back of my head.

And our mother said, Whatever you do, in order to change your circumstance, you’re gonna have to get an education and so I kept them in the back of my head. I no matter what, I had to educate myself, I had to get a degree at the people that I saw going to the school down the street, that’s something I could do.

And I had that vision I would go to this school that was like in a predominantly well off area, and everyone had books and and paper and really nice shoes. I remember looking at this thinking, Oh, I don’t have any of that and every time I would come back into My neighborhood I would see the graffiti and I’d see the the trash and I thought to myself, what makes a difference? Why are there people here in this situation versus here in this situation, and every single day I’ll come back and it came down to this.

It was the thinking how we think how we look at situations whether or not we see ourselves doing well and being successful or versus if we see ourselves as a not successful person in an environment are thinking defines our life and when we can take hold of our thought and see it for what it is and change it and transform it and change it to convert it into an energy that Alicia’s a brain power that allows us to change a situation that my friend is how we change our lives. And that’s how we change everyone else.

See: Examples of Ambition in Real life as a Student

What happened was I was failing Algebra I fell down for I failed geometry. I failed calculus and chemistry. And there was this calculus teacher that said, All right, I’m going to offer calculus tutoring for anyone who’s willing to come to the campus during the winter break. And I thought everyone was going to show up. There was only myself and I thought to myself, this is such a blessing. And I sat there and I picked his brain.

I’m like, how do we look? What does an integral mean? What does the the tangent mean? What does the instantaneous rate mean? And these are all words for derivative and calculus, and I got just a sit down with them. And that was the first time ever that I realized I was smart. And when I sat with them, it was amazing because I realized what was stopping me was my own fear. It wasn’t it wasn’t anything with my educational aspect.

It was me thinking I could do well in mathematics. And when I learned to remove that fear and think I’m going to do this, no matter what’s going to happen, I may fail. It may not fail it. I’m going to do well at this. And I’m going to just to see where it goes, I’m going to put my all into it and find out and I put my own to fail. But it is something inside of me shifted. I realized failing wasn’t that bad. If I can, if I can, like spend more with more time that I can actually do really well of this. And that was the shift in thinking I’m like, All right, I’m just going to spend some more time and I’m going to actually get this when I overcome my own fear. It was when I was working with someone else and recognizing that the person next to me was the exact mirror of myself. And if I could help that person right next to me. I was hoping myself at the same time and it became this teamwork.

Every single person on my campus need it mathematics. And so I got chance to know everybody on campus McCain one the most popular people because everyone needed mathematics and that confidence that was built from taking something that I failed that before and shifting my thinking about and bracing it to actually create a new reality for myself.

That’s what empower me and that’s to graduate top of my class, which later on open up the door through a series of events, I learned the power that we have in our brain when I overcame so many challenges. When I was launching rockets, of being a woman in in being a one a person of color in a predominantly area that was different than myself.

I had to I had to think differently. I had to think All right, I’m gonna stand out everything that I do is going to have to be twice as good. That’s just the nature of it.

I had to change the way in which I was thinking in order to do that, how am I going to be such a contributing force to this environment that whenever I leave, I’ve made a difference. And when I realized that, and then when I coupled that with the aspect of mathematics, where the same type of math that we use to launch to Mars, the same type of math that we use to literally reshape our own brain, I realized the power of our thoughts when we are aware of where we are, what we’re doing, and more importantly, the decision that we have in front of us the choice in our thought in a situation whatever decision that we make in that full awareness.

That decision itself is a fractal moment in chaos that literally changes the brain at that very moment to restructure it inside of your head so you can unleash your power.

When you look at how are my thoughts going to align with where I want to go and you decide that moment in time where you decide this is a thought that’s going to get me to being a rocket scientists, this is a thought that’s going to get me to be a doctor.

This is not to get me to be a host of my own show I’m whatever it takes I’m going to have all the type of thoughts that’s going to get me closer to where I want to go in the future. When we realize that we have a choice and how we think about things where we have a choice, are we going to be scared about something? Are we going to go forward no matter what’s going to happen.

That is when we unleash this power to you when you are expected to succeed by your mentors or parents or teachers when there is an experimentation on your life to do well.

At an early age you adopted, you address it, you adhere to it, you create it. But if you are never given that opportunity to know what you are capable of doing, if you are never given that, that word, that encouragement This is to know what you can be good at mathematics.

Even though you failed algebra and geometry and calculus, the chemistry which I did, you can actually do well mathematics at if if there’s not someone showing you your worth, when you can’t see it, you will forever be looking in the mirror thinking that you’re not worth what you are when you see exactly what you don’t want.

If you can take the exact opposite of that. That’s how you find out what you do. For example, when we launched rockets, we knew Okay, we didn’t want there to be an explosion out the jacket which was like the side of the rocket, but we wanted the explosion to go down. So we thought, Okay, what is the worst case scenario?

The worst case scenario is okay there will be a kind of tired flames going out where we don’t want to go something like how can we prevent that? How can we focus on where we do want it to go where’s the ideal part for it to go and the ideal part is for the the all the flames to go down the tubes and go through and create a clue.

So what we had to do in that aspect is literally envision exactly what we didn’t want and figure out the chain of events that could possibly get us there to what we don’t want and then go backwards.

The beauty about working in rocket science is that I had the ability to observe genius brands and realize that any of us can gain a genius brain no matter what age we’re at it doesn’t matter forget it what anyone’s ever told you you can gain a smart brain at any age every decision that you make reshapes your brain More powerful the you are in making decision after decision after decision that will power for your brain. Because that makes you really careful about what decisions you make. Like are you super aware when you’re making decisions I’ve learned to become aware to see, all right, this is where I want to go, how is this decision going to help me get there, it’s always keeping that in the back of their head, like, this is where I’m going to go. And I’d made the decision very early in life that no matter where I was, I was going to change it. I was going to change it. So I would leave my mark to be able to help in a very powerful way. So people after I leave would be able to make their own mark and in building in a way in which was going to be very powerful for their life.

If you’re a person in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, that Lord stem going to do it. There’s such a overwhelming need for you. You have the ability to see the big picture.

You have the ability not only to do the mathematics, but you have the ability to see a big picture and user communication skills in order for people to see how important concepts are. So that is the gift that you bring if you have the opportunity to go into that. Do it.
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How to make awesome grades while studying in school

Let me just say it was a real struggle figuring out I wanted to feel with like the viewers the background but then the lighting was all under my desk was messy so I didn’t want to have that as a background. So here we are, I’ve got my studio lights up to help support me so I’m hoping that this video turns out okay.

Anyways, as you can see for the title today I’m going to be doing a video all about how to do well at university so I’m going to be talking more about the academic side of things. So once I’ve always talking about the social aspects and the partying on my channel, so I thought I’d bring it back a little and actually give some academic advice. I’m going to be discussing study tips, ways to get organized how to keep on top of things.

So if you’re looking forward to the video, make sure the thumbs up button if you are an idea I would like to see more of my videos don’t forget to

the subscribe button down below and click the subscribe button so it will push notifications are that fair review let’s just go ahead and jump straight into the Tips.

So my first tip on how to do what a university is definitely getting organized and remaining organized throughout the year I’m the best way to do this is getting a plan. Our panelists are so important in helping to keep up with things and knowing what your schedule is week two we actually just get mine from TK Maxx.
Let me just say it was a real struggle figuring out I wanted to feel with like the viewers the background but then the lighting was all under my desk was messy so I didn’t want to have that as a background. So here we are, I’ve got my studio lights up to help support me so I’m hoping that this video turns out okay.

Anyways, as you can see for the title today I’m going to be doing a video all about how to do well at university so I’m going to be talking more about the academic side of things. So once I’ve always talking about the social aspects and the partying on my channel, so I thought I’d bring it back a little and actually give some academic advice. I’m going to be discussing study tips, ways to get organized how to keep on top of things.

So if you’re looking forward to the video, make sure the thumbs up button if you are an idea I would like to see more of my videos don’t forget to

the subscribe button down below and click the subscribe button so it will push notifications are that fair review let’s just go ahead and jump straight into the Tips.

So my first tip on how to do what a university is definitely getting organized and remaining organized throughout the year I’m the best way to do this is getting a plan. Our panelists are so important in helping to keep up with things and knowing what your schedule is week two we actually just get mine from TK Maxx.

I believe this whole candles literally free costs 99 amazing we are getting a tonight is definitely an essential when it comes to university. It’s a great way to see when you have your lectures when you have deadlines, assignments, etc. Particularly in the first time of university it’s very hard to keep up with things because on top of going to lectures you’re also doing societies are going out we’re making friends and socializing and so from that when you’re not keeping track of what you’re supposed to be doing it is very very easy to forget things or forget you have that 9am often get that your assignment still friday so to avoid anything like that happening. I definitely

about getting a planner if you don’t like to write down things it doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical one like the one I showed you I mean there’s so many apps we can actually just use the note section on your iPhone I used to do that all the time via regardless of performance we’re doing yeah I definitely recommend having a plan on write down everything keep on top of thing and ensure that you know exactly what you’re meant to demean each week.

The next tip I’m going to be talking about is something I’ve been doing it since like year nine I want to say by any found out the actual time for this morning apparently it’s called the halo so what the halo effect basically is, is that when you first school or university within the first couple of weeks, just how you’re forming an opinion of your class and your teacher. The teacher is also doing the exact same thing with their students at it from day one of your lectures about the front of the class engagement for teacher having the eye contact, paying up your hand to ask a question for teacher it’s going to immediately see as like a good shooter, someone who’s very keen in the subject, someone that really wants to do well.

Essentially someone that they like. Whereas if you’re sitting in the back of the class, which is a bit noisy, oh, like a group of friends than your teacher might just think, okay, I always recommend getting close on time it’s sitting at the front. I’m just kind of engaging with your teacher from the get go find that once you establish a good connection with your lecture are live on his they get so much easier, they’re often more willing to go above and beyond when it comes to answer your questions. I hope out because they know that you’re genuinely interested in the subject.

But personally I love most about this halo effect is that once you spend a few weeks establishing that good bond that get connection for the rest of the year, I find that you can kind of get away with more things that if you miss your lecture, for some reason, I feel like maybe they’re bit more understanding because they know that you wouldn’t miss it for a stupid reason. You know, they’re just a bit more lenient and understanding throughout the year. So definitely recommend being a good student. Usually at the start of time let your team know that you’re really keen on wants to do well.

Tip number three is more of a study tab and something which I strongly recommend it

And that is pre reading before you going to close this is something I did more towards the end of my A Levels and found it so so helpful that I wish I did it before so it’s definitely something which I recommend doing from the very start University is if you’re unaware of what pre reading so it’s basically reading up on the topic that you’re going to be studying in class I find that doing this makes your lectures make it so much more sense because you’re not trying to grasp everything for the first time we’ve actually already had some prior knowledge so it’s more so confirming it reiterating it and just allow yourself to understand the topic so much better so for my personal University which has a lot of you guys know it is University of the Arts London London College of fashion my uni we have this include noodle where our teachers but done exactly what topic we’re going to be doing each week and I often already have like the reading materials out there if I need that I’m going to do in crisis management for example I can go on to the regional is for that topic and just have every little bit before class so that one are actually in class it will make a bit more sense and what’s amazing about pre reading is I honestly doesn’t have to be long at all actually just fine. minutes of skim reading is enough, it’s just something to do that you just have an overview of the topic before you learn a more in depth. So that hopefully makes it more sense.

You can literally do it on your way to lecture as well sure, having breakfast it doesn’t have to be a task that you have to go to the library for, can literally just do it on the go. And if for some reason your university hasn’t published by the reading materials for it, or like resources that you can use your goal is the thing and I you can actually just type in on Google happened over through and hopefully that allow things to make so much more sense to you.

The fourth tip for today’s video is also a study tip and that is to clarify any doubts that you have immediately say when it comes to university, things move pretty quickly. And so if you’re in class and you don’t understand the topic and you know asking questions because you think it will make sense closer towards exam period or whatever the chances are by the time you get to exam here is will also have certainly other topics that you’re unsure about. I was just getting to the point where you physically don’t have time to go over everything again.

So my best piece of advice to all Asked Questions that maybe don’t understand something obviously for teachers just introduce the topic way into she finishes explaining it until you ask a question but at the end of that class you’re like wait a sec I actually don’t understand this concept either asking cause then in that because chances are other students didn’t understand over you asked that question in front of everyone over may be beneficial to the other students that if you’re perhaps shy or the transition classes past, definitely stay back to the end of the class to ask you a lecture about it. Or if you have tutorials or university awesome then in that as well.

But honestly, the Wise we can do is just leave and definitely want to make sure that you just understand things as you go along that by the time you get to your assessments or sound, you already know the content and you can just focus on exactly the thing I’m going to talk about in today’s video lectures. Lecture.

Our lectures is the lecture Do I go to university? I don’t know. But yeah, in terms of lectures, first and foremost, go to a lecture. It’s like maybe it’s because I never had 9am Like all of my lectures, I don’t some people don’t go to lectures, it’s so much easier to just sit in a room for like an hour and a half then to stay at home and cut off your lecture on your laptop and be making notes and not really understanding what’s going on. Even if we’re completely hung over or you just can’t be bothered. Just drop yourself into unique it’s literally about to sit there like arms folded, and just listen and then to be at home and not greater than lecture and then catch up later while you frantically trying to make notes and piece everything together. Like it’s just not worth it. So personally just go to other artists in my opinion, but the second thing and tells the lectures it’s definitely make good to know one thing that took me quite a long time to graph is that you generally don’t need to write down everything that’s on the board. Literally just write down the most important point I know that if you’re like me that it’s quite hard not to do because you want to get down all of the information but learning to make condensed notes from the get go. It is definitely something which is beneficial because it saves you from condensing your classmates later on in the year and it was me so if you’re looking for quick

information of the answers you can easily find a bullet point which has it as opposed to having to like dissect your class know another thing which makes your lecture notes really amazing is using color I know it’s quite long to bring like a whole purpose okay sometimes so I recommend getting those pens that have like the color wheels around it but you can click for like red and then click for blue and then click for black I love phase I’m making and so if that’s something that’s really important I’ll quickly just switch to read and write that impressive it sounds out there again we’ll come back to your notes you know what’s really important and what keywords you either yeah those are my tips which I hope really hope he was at university also have them a quick and simple it’s really good to just reiterate them and have them fresh in your mind before you start going to an active if you did find the city are helpful if you learn something new then I’d love if you could hit the thumbs up button and let me know in the comments down below if you Are any of you enjoyed the video just getting the scroll down below upload new videos every single Wednesday and Sunday. Yeah that is basically the end of today’s tips. Thank you guys so much for reading and I’ll see you in my next one.
I believe this whole candles literally free costs 99 amazing we are getting a tonight is definitely an essential when it comes to university. It’s a great way to see when you have your lectures when you have deadlines, assignments, etc. Particularly in the first time of university it’s very hard to keep up with things because on top of going to lectures you’re also doing societies are going out we’re making friends and socializing and so from that when you’re not keeping track of what you’re supposed to be doing it is very very easy to forget things or forget you have that 9am often get that your assignment still friday so to avoid anything like that happening. I definitely

about getting a planner if you don’t like to write down things it doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical one like the one I showed you I mean there’s so many apps we can actually just use the note section on your iPhone I used to do that all the time via regardless of performance we’re doing yeah I definitely recommend having a plan on write down everything keep on top of thing and ensure that you know exactly what you’re meant to demean each week.

The next tip I’m going to be talking about is something I’ve been doing it since like year nine I want to say by any found out the actual time for this morning apparently it’s called the halo so what the halo effect basically is, is that when you first school or university within the first couple of weeks, just how you’re forming an opinion of your class and your teacher. The teacher is also doing the exact same thing with their students at it from day one of your lectures about the front of the class engagement for teacher having the eye contact, paying up your hand to ask a question for teacher it’s going to immediately see as like a good shooter, someone who’s very keen in the subject, someone that really wants to do well.

Essentially someone that they like. Whereas if you’re sitting in the back of the class, which is a bit noisy, oh, like a group of friends than your teacher might just think, okay, I always recommend getting close on time it’s sitting at the front. I’m just kind of engaging with your teacher from the get go find that once you establish a good connection with your lecture are live on his they get so much easier, they’re often more willing to go above and beyond when it comes to answer your questions. I hope out because they know that you’re genuinely interested in the subject.

But personally I love most about this halo effect is that once you spend a few weeks establishing that good bond that get connection for the rest of the year, I find that you can kind of get away with more things that if you miss your lecture, for some reason, I feel like maybe they’re bit more understanding because they know that you wouldn’t miss it for a stupid reason. You know, they’re just a bit more lenient and understanding throughout the year. So definitely recommend being a good student. Usually at the start of time let your team know that you’re really keen on wants to do well.

Tip number three is more of a study tab and something which I strongly recommend it

And that is pre reading before you going to close this is something I did more towards the end of my A Levels and found it so so helpful that I wish I did it before so it’s definitely something which I recommend doing from the very start University is if you’re unaware of what pre reading so it’s basically reading up on the topic that you’re going to be studying in class I find that doing this makes your lectures make it so much more sense because you’re not trying to grasp everything for the first time we’ve actually already had some prior knowledge so it’s more so confirming it reiterating it and just allow yourself to understand the topic so much better so for my personal University which has a lot of you guys know it is University of the Arts London London College of fashion my uni we have this include noodle where our teachers but done exactly what topic we’re going to be doing each week and I often already have like the reading materials out there if I need that I’m going to do in crisis management for example I can go on to the regional is for that topic and just have every little bit before class so that one are actually in class it will make a bit more sense and what’s amazing about pre reading is I honestly doesn’t have to be long at all actually just fine. minutes of skim reading is enough, it’s just something to do that you just have an overview of the topic before you learn a more in depth. So that hopefully makes it more sense.

You can literally do it on your way to lecture as well sure, having breakfast it doesn’t have to be a task that you have to go to the library for, can literally just do it on the go. And if for some reason your university hasn’t published by the reading materials for it, or like resources that you can use your goal is the thing and I you can actually just type in on Google happened over through and hopefully that allow things to make so much more sense to you.

The fourth tip for today’s video is also a study tip and that is to clarify any doubts that you have immediately say when it comes to university, things move pretty quickly. And so if you’re in class and you don’t understand the topic and you know asking questions because you think it will make sense closer towards exam period or whatever the chances are by the time you get to exam here is will also have certainly other topics that you’re unsure about. I was just getting to the point where you physically don’t have time to go over everything again.

So my best piece of advice to all Asked Questions that maybe don’t understand something obviously for teachers just introduce the topic way into she finishes explaining it until you ask a question but at the end of that class you’re like wait a sec I actually don’t understand this concept either asking cause then in that because chances are other students didn’t understand over you asked that question in front of everyone over may be beneficial to the other students that if you’re perhaps shy or the transition classes past, definitely stay back to the end of the class to ask you a lecture about it. Or if you have tutorials or university awesome then in that as well.

But honestly, the Wise we can do is just leave and definitely want to make sure that you just understand things as you go along that by the time you get to your assessments or sound, you already know the content and you can just focus on exactly the thing I’m going to talk about in today’s video lectures. Lecture.

Our lectures is the lecture Do I go to university? I don’t know. But yeah, in terms of lectures, first and foremost, go to a lecture. It’s like maybe it’s because I never had 9am Like all of my lectures, I don’t some people don’t go to lectures, it’s so much easier to just sit in a room for like an hour and a half then to stay at home and cut off your lecture on your laptop and be making notes and not really understanding what’s going on. Even if we’re completely hung over or you just can’t be bothered. Just drop yourself into unique it’s literally about to sit there like arms folded, and just listen and then to be at home and not greater than lecture and then catch up later while you frantically trying to make notes and piece everything together. Like it’s just not worth it. So personally just go to other artists in my opinion, but the second thing and tells the lectures it’s definitely make good to know one thing that took me quite a long time to graph is that you generally don’t need to write down everything that’s on the board. Literally just write down the most important point I know that if you’re like me that it’s quite hard not to do because you want to get down all of the information but learning to make condensed notes from the get go. It is definitely something which is beneficial because it saves you from condensing your classmates later on in the year and it was me so if you’re looking for quick

information of the answers you can easily find a bullet point which has it as opposed to having to like dissect your class know another thing which makes your lecture notes really amazing is using color I know it’s quite long to bring like a whole purpose okay sometimes so I recommend getting those pens that have like the color wheels around it but you can click for like red and then click for blue and then click for black I love phase I’m making and so if that’s something that’s really important I’ll quickly just switch to read and write that impressive it sounds out there again we’ll come back to your notes you know what’s really important and what keywords you either yeah those are my tips which I hope really hope he was at university also have them a quick and simple it’s really good to just reiterate them and have them fresh in your mind before you start going to an active if you did find the city are helpful if you learn something new then I’d love if you could hit the thumbs up button and let me know in the comments down below if you Are any of you enjoyed the video just getting the scroll down below upload new videos every single Wednesday and Sunday. Yeah that is basically the end of today’s tips. Thank you guys so much for reading and I’ll see you in my next one.
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How To Get 95 Percent In Board Exam, Effective Study Techniques.

Hello, my Socratic of friends. We’re here to help you be a great student. Here’s a personal question do you make new year’s resolutions we do both in January, and at the start of the school year, which feels like another new year, doesn’t it? It’s a great feeling, getting a fresh start and thinking about how to improve. That’s really the whole point of the series, isn’t it. So let’s talk about how to make resolutions and how to keep resolutions. First, let’s think about what makes a good resolution. I’m not going to resolve to become president of NASA that’s just not reasonable. A good resolution is one that is actually achievable with a little focused effort on your part. This should also be something that is personally important to you. Make sure your heart is really in it. I’m not personally excited by marathons so I’m not going to make a resolution to take up running my resolutions always seem to be about learning something big surprise here. Don’t make a resolution that’s vague, like I’m going to get healthy or I’ll be a better student pick something very specific you Want to accomplish? break it down into small, concrete doable actions. As in if I want to get better grades, I will set aside 30 minutes every day after class to review my lecture notes. Or if I want to prove my Japanese reading skills, I will study 10 Japanese characters every day, I’ll be able to take very specific actions. To keep this resolution I’ll put 10 flash cards in my pocket every morning. That makes it easy to pull them out and study a little when I’m taking a coffee break done. Another way to pick a resolution is to think about what’s a good habit you want to adopt. I want to take a 20 minute walk every day. Exercise is good for the brain. It reduces stress and it’s a good way to spend breaks between Pompadour sessions. If I genuinely stick to taking a walk in the fresh air every day. I’m going to be much healthier by the end of the year and I’ll have develop the kind of habit that could last a lifetime. Or maybe there’s a bad habit you want to break if you smoke. You really, really I mean, really, you should stop it sticks. It’s expensive.

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It causes cancer. What bad habits do you have? I personally don’t have any. Not that I know. Never heard of them. Now don’t go overboard, trying to remake yourself into a completely different person. Pick one thing, okay, maybe two things. But that’s it. It’s much easier to keep track of one resolution than a whole bunch of them. Especially since people who break resolutions often say it’s because they’re just too busy. There’s just too much going on in my life to pay attention to well, don’t let that happen to you. Let’s keep it real simple. Every day. I’m putting 10 flash cards in my pocket. How hard can that be? It helps if you keep track of your progress. Have you heard of this trick from Seinfeld Don’t break the chain. If you mark off every day successfully kept your resolution on a calendar you see a growing chain of accomplishments. It please a nice little trick on your brain. You can see how much good work you’ve done and you don’t want to mess it up. It’s a little added incentive to keep going. Don’t break the chain.

Our friend Simone Gertz you’ve probably seen her work making interesting robots made a beautiful engineered version of the resolution calendar. You can find it on Kickstarter. It’s seriously like a work of art. Every time you do your resolution, you get to light up a day. And she made this beautiful thing to help her keep her resolution to meditate every day for a year to make that a new healthy habit. And it totally worked for her. Okay, that gives us an idea for another video. How do you meditate? That’s a really useful skill to help you be a great student. Okay, stay tuned, coming soon from Socratic.

Oh, but what if you do break the chain? Don’t beat yourself up, get back on the horse. Tomorrow is another day. Anyway, perfectionism is overrated. If you succeed for 350 days of the year. Isn’t that something to be proud of? Compared with last year? Yeah, remember to be kind to yourself, how would you treat a friend who slipped up you’d be understanding and encouraging be that person for yourself. Another thing that can help is to keep a daily

journal entry about your resolution, make a note of the days that were easy. What did you do that made it so easy? Think about the days that were really hard. Can you figure out what made it hard? Did you forget to pack a healthy lunch? And so you got fast food. instead? Did you forget to write down your assignment in your planner so you didn’t write your paper until the last minute. This kind of self reflection can lead the way to real change where it becomes easier and easier to make a resolution. The true habit is something you always do as a regular part of your life. Have you heard the standard wisdom that it takes 21 days to make a new habit? Okay, we’ll talk here that’s pretty made up number we read that this number came from Maxwell mots, a plastic surgeon who studied amputees in the 60s and he found it took about 21 days for them to adjust to their new routine, missing a limb. Therefore it takes 21 days to adjust to a new habit. That’s a pretty big leap right there max. More recently, psychologist Philippa lolly formally studied habit formation and found that it took on average 66 days to form and

habit, there was a huge variance. However, some tasks were easier and took as little as 18 days to become second nature, while others were more challenging and took as long as 245 days. So don’t worry if you don’t find yourself measuring up to some arbitrary standard. It doesn’t sound like there is one. What else can you do to make it more likely for you to succeed and keeping your resolution, let the people around you help you. It can be much easier to make these changes in your life. If everyone around you is on board. Tell your friends and family what your resolution is. That is if they are genuinely supportive. We know there are some people out there who may not want to see you change for the better. That’s the sad truth about human nature. Please don’t let this stop you. If you feel you need to keep your resolution to yourself. That’s okay too. What’s your New Year’s resolution? Is it something we can help you with? Let us know in the comments below. We’re all learning and growing. Here. At Socratic. We make new year’s resolutions because it’s a little stretch toward becoming that person you’re proud to be.

It’s all part of being a great student. One of our new year’s resolutions here at Socratic is to grow a little bigger so we can make more videos for you. Would you like to help us if you find the work we do here valuable, please consider supporting us on Patreon. With your help we’ll be able to grow our team. Thank you. Hello, welcome back. I’m going to share my 2019 study Guide. I thought since everyone is starting a new semester at school with fresh focus, it would be beneficial to define our city goals for this year. And I just kind of want to bring everyone on the right track to have a productive next 12 months. I spoken about the studying amino app before I can’t find my phone currently, or otherwise, I’ll show you here, but can you see it on the screen. But I’ve had gone there to reconnect with these guys and kind of share my studying and school journey and just like share my story and photos because I love doing those as you might have seen on Instagram. If you search my username, Yusuf, you can find my page and a blog post where you can ask me anything. And I’m going to answer the most interesting cues. Oh, and if you haven’t heard about amino before, they’re a diverse network of communities that unites people with friends that share the same passion like productivity and studying so to check out my q&a and follow my goals on setting amino you can click the link in the description.

Related Post: How To Get 95 Percent In Board Exam, Effective Study Techniques.

Check out the painter to common follow the prompts download the app or you could just search an app store or find me on there with my username so now let’s get into my goals for school

This is usually have charm but I wear sweaters when we’re kind of warm. So yep okay so I think the roles help you guys to kind of more see my perspective phones who are now for the last two months I’ve just gotten a whole new mindset about my priorities and how school needs to rewind my priorities to reach my first goal which is passing school and it’s my last year

I have five months ago. It’s just crazy.

And honestly, I’m just not sure if I see myself passing but I have the courage to just go for it and give my best.

And I definitely wanted to say that I gave my best to that’s going to be my pursuit. And that’s my first goal number two gold kind of goes with that. And this is maybe something more people can relate with. And it’s having a good relationship with studying that just seems not to even make sense because it’s like studying you know, but I feel like if we already spent so much time sitting at a desk, you just kind of take away from your life if it isn’t something you can enjoy or at least just be okay with. That’s one of the things I want to talk about more in the future How can you make study more attractive to yourself and how can you spend your time doing it effectively saving time and just feeling better about it so this can be one of your goals feel good about studying and not hated my goal is just all kind of seem a bit more low key but they’re actually you know, a big deal in my book and it’s to pass all my classes before my

final exams. So I have about three or four classes where I don’t have the passing rates a passing grade. So the grades for us is it goes from one to six and four is passing grade. And in three or four subjects I don’t have a for it can seem so hopeless. But it seems hopeless to me right now, like my math grade and my physics grade. But as I said, I’m not giving up and I’m just going to try and I also just want to share that with you guys. Because even though I may have to study content and all this content on being productive, I suck at school and I just want to be grateful for an opportunity and let’s just make the best out of it. Okay, number four, again, goes with this goal, and it is to get help in those subjects. Let’s just all be self aware and know what we need to happen. And one goal for you guys which is be to ask for help. Just be aware of

What don’t you know and know that your teachers that’s their job to help you. And if teachers don’t have that capacity because their personality or because your mindset make sure that you get help. So that’s what I’m going to be doing. Yeah, I just had to make the camera lighter. But my last study goal is to be present during lessons. And I know that everyone kind of has lessons where it’s more chill and it’s kind of their time to catch up with their friends.

But let’s, let’s use our time efficiently. And the more you get into your brain during assessing the less you need to do after being active during classes is one of my goals. But those are the things that motivate me. And those are the things that I want to put in front of my mind and to be reminded off daily desktop. I’ve written them down and I definitely recommend you guys to write down your goals.

Thank you for reading this study tips of a be talking about who goes out Why does my tummy her I think too much but let’s hope I passed his school year and I’m sending you good as energies. I’m coming to you with a tips very soon I’m going to give you guys live updates and just talk about my life and sing that song. See you soon. Peace out.Salaam aleikum RG page to have those special Jojo many viewers a tips up Nepal remarkable the acne inshallah both helpful video is freedom out to the cake toppers castle castle top cars are there or do I am thrilled to top CUNY garbage the garbage good doctors are not toppers top Carnegie Versa but the important reason but I don’t care topper stop there or do it every student I will average also bichara who read at the top or bottom up Component button to bottom batanga team rarely do 333 barely both important to do three view is are they important or two to three oppose the other important bother in team bottom up nigga implement here to inshallah the top ranked school may up Nick last make college may universities birthday can he be a birthday Zulu inshallah subset of belly Bertha many of whom are so many students do their own cubicle top to bottom longer to get some key se como si are teaching jujitsu top quality also average and only a sequence the bottom to top opportunity or Omen Haiti will be up to bottle to inshallah customer who say Pele I get up this channel a new way to please naps a request Kurt Nokia subscribe Carlo clipboard helpful channel hookah medically bright bionic leg and Joe map to bottom but the reality based on the data or YouTube the whole sector Mexico D motivate and encourage like and Joe map to live Kelly up to future and what karma inshallah subscribe car or a video person that likes Galena please 200 likes

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Best Planners for University Students

Hi friends, you all must be wondering that why do we have to study math at all? Let’s have a look at few of these, all of these milk, very regular images, but there is one major thing connecting all of them. Can you think of what it’s mathematics for designing such big roller coasters. All the algebra comes from polynomials. for designing such big bridges. You need concepts from geometry like I saw some as an equal lateral triangles and there’s immense mathematics involved when you do a lot of daily life. Things like calculating the time to reach school on time rejecting the amounts after discount and receiving proper change, calculating the amount in your piggy bank and many more that can be really fun and interesting topic if and if you start relating it with your life and

make use of it everyday. Ever wondered that why in kindergarten we start with alphabets and numbers because these are the two most important languages to communicate methods and sharpening the mind healthy to stay focused. Making calculations easy helps in making the right decisions, etc. But why do people feel mad? This difficult subject? One of the major reasons is that students don’t understand math properly. maths and abstract subject, students cannot visualize it properly.

In order to solve any math question. Students need to picture it properly. This lack of visualization is one of the reasons why students are afraid of math, then there is a lack of interest or not taught in an interesting manner.

Let’s see what tips can help.

You to study math in an interesting way so that you can enjoy the subject and learn it for life.

The first tip is try to understand everything logically instead of marking it.

As I said before, math is an abstract subject, you need to visualize it properly to understand it. Hence, you should never make up anything whether it may be mad or not. Try to understand the concept totally related to real life and then try to also apply them in real life by solving questions. also read and understand what exactly you need. Don’t rush yourself in finding the answer has read the question at least two to three times before proceeding.

Why studying pyramids understand the statement of the theorem first, extract what is given and what needs to be proved.

Then understand all the steps that need to be followed and also all the reasons in few cases where there is construction crack the logic for the construction to

master all the key concepts in the chapter and this will really help you to score the maximum maximum your exams the next will be interrelate. All the topics that you studied now on the topics that you study in math are somewhere related to each other. All the basic theorems and concepts remain the same and mathematically entire map is based on these concepts only and many of the basics of triangles are also used internal metric to try to find these interrelations. This will help you to understand the concepts in a way better manner.

Try to understand math in your language. Every student has a different approach to understand mathematics. find your own way to approach man that eventually you will understand.

In a better way, like for example, in linear equations, there are variety of word problems you are you need to understand how to convert these English statements in mathematical equations. For this, you can make a mathematical dictionary which can be helpful for you to go through. The fourth one will be studying groups and play math based games. There might be topics that you understand better and few different topics that your friend me understand better help each other in studying topics that you guys are good at. When you study in groups. You will develop a habit of self learning and if you get stuck somewhere and need help, then you can take the help of E learning videos which are available online. You can watch our variety of videos based on concepts, problem solving, common math mistakes, math, puzzles, etc. And when it comes to math puzzles, try to understand the logic behind the puzzle.

This can help you to become a master in math buzzes, and these also acts and exercise to your brain.

You can try to make some boat games by your own which can be based on math or you can modify some of your normal board games with some mathematical twist. Maintain a separate book and formula list. Well this is a very common thing, maintain a separate book format it would be easier for you to find where you have left while studying math the general formula you feel are important, jot them down and make a chart this will be really helpful and useful for you to go through them all at once during any test or exam. Well here we have come up with the chart for Maharashtra State Board and CBS to buy please click on the card above

number six. Each problem has one solution but they can be

many ways to reach that solution solve every problem in such a way that you are completely thorough with it and understand it and every manner so that if the same question is presented in any other twisted way still be able to answer it. Now, what are the most important steps to reach? Where answer is understanding the question properly? The answer is always hidden somewhere in the question, please read through your questions earlier, you understand it perfectly don’t get pairing with the length of the question when before reading it well, the second last tip is practice as much as you can and soul as many different type of problems you can map is not a theoretical subject. So practicing math is really very important. And the last one is review all your errors if you get stuck anywhere or realize that you have made a mistake take some time to understand that why you made that mistake. Review your errors and make sure that

Do not repeat them. Also understand your doubts This will help you in understanding math in a better way.

I hope this video was helpful and will make math a little easier to study. If you guys have any doubt or any more such amazing tips do common below this video. Do like this Article and hit the bell icon and never miss another update from that state. And don’t forget to subscribe to our website. Thank you. Good morning everyone. So today I have something very fun that I’m looking forward to filminit is time to finally invest in a new diary for 2019 I get such a kick out of doing these things. So I’m going to take you shopping with me to find the perfect diary or planner and probably pick up a few extra organizational items. And I’m also thinking of maybe getting a few little goodies for you guys and doing a little giveaway I might do it on Instagram. So stay tuned throughout this video and I’ll let you know more details. But did you notice something different about me? Maybe, maybe not. I got new glasses finally. So if you didn’t know I actually lost my favorite pink pair of frames on the airplane. When I was coming down to Melbourne from Sydney. There was the one thing that I misplaced as I was packing up my entire life so I think I did pretty well but glasses have come to my rescue. I said me so.

many pairs of glasses I just have to show you this I have glasses drawer right now I’m very excited so as you probably know we’re currently in an Airbnb just for a few more weeks but I had to clean out one of these jewels, my glasses because they sent me six pitches. So I actually think they Sonny’s one of my favorites the ones I’m wearing and also these pink ones Oh and if anyone’s Hilary Duff and she actually did a collaboration with us for glasses is I have to have her different designs I think there’s over at to choose from there there little bit more expensive than these ones. So I often spend way too much on my glasses. I was really surprised how cheap they are though. So there’s free basic prescription lenses included and frames and lenses started like 30 bucks which is amazing because I used to spend so much on my glasses so I really appreciate being able to save right now and you’re probably thinking okay but clearly you don’t like all six I can’t all fit really nicely. I kid you not. I love I had this little virtual mirror where you can upload a photo of yourself or you can check

out the glasses and the frames on another person’s face. It has a similar shape to yours and you can actually see if they’re going to sit you or not. So they sent me six pairs. I promise you all six look really good and I’m so happy with them. Also, I thought we do a fun little vote between all of my favorite peers. I want to know which ones you prefer the most. We’ve got option one,

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option two. I think these are so cool. I’ve never had clear white plastic frames or option three the pink ones these are very similar to the ones that I had that were my original favorite color which one is your favor guys so if you like my new look, let me know down below but now it’s time to get serious with this video because we’re about to replace my new baby My all baby Why did I say new is not new is a year old and he seemed to be out of date. So I’ve got some pretty strict criteria for what makes for the perfect diary. Yes, I’m pretty hard to place Yeah, but let’s head to one of my favorite stationery stores.

And hopefully I can find the right one for 2019. And look number four. Let’s head out the door.

I’m arriving today I losing my bubbles.

I think I was browsing through the diaries for over half an hour, but I’m really happy with my purchases. So that was a successful little shopping spree, the lady kkk was so helpful and friendly, I picked up a few things that I think are going to make 2019 so much more organized and I’m really excited to show you what I bought and I also picked up a few little prizes for you guys as well so stay tuned for that I’m back and I have to goody bags or one is for me and one is for you. Or it could be yours if you win my little giveaway.

So I’m going to run it on Instagram, I’ve decided. So if you’re not following me at study with Jess, go and follow me now. And I will have all the details for how you can enter to win some very cool little goodies on my Instagram account. So just make sure to be active and checking out my latest post an Instagram story because details will be there. But let me show you what I picked up. All right, let’s start with the diary. Now. Can I just say last year I wanted this exact diary. And I didn’t have it in stock anymore because they only had the weekly layout and not the daily. So let me explain why I chose the stars specifically because I have wanted this one for ages. Right. So the first race that I chose this story is that it has a day per page says plenty of room tried everything down and it has the timestamp in it as well starts at 7am but there’s actually room to write for six or 5am and it finishes at nine but you can also write a little bit later than that and there is a note section as well.

As a line for birthdays now I always need extra room for my reminders my to do’s birthdays when people are traveling where Adam and I travel a lot for work. So I like to keep track of that. And the last year I had this one here, it actually didn’t have any timestamps, so I would write things down, and then I have another appointment that’s a little bit earlier and I’d have to cross it out or raise it and rewrite it because I just didn’t have time to go through 365 pages and number them from 7am to 9pm. It’s just really, really inconvenient for me, whereas this one’s going to save me a lot of time and I think it’s going to be easier to keep tidy and organized. Okay, this is really cool. I’m actually discovering it in more detail as I’m sharing it with all of you, but it has a note section. It has a page for listing website and notes about those sites, books, so section track down titles and authors. If you get book recommendations, you can store them their restaurants and bars, there is a section for riding down and tracking your expenses.

But I did buy something else to use instead of this area of my diary to track my spending. I will share that with you soon. And then when I was in the store I asked the lady if they have any loose leaf shades of stickers to just mark any important things in your diary and she turned to the back of this diary and says to me, um, it already comes with them. How awesome is that? So I’m just really excited to start using my new diary and I think it actually starts for December so I could get cracking right away. It does Wow. The little things that get me excited. Alright, so you know how I said I bought something instead of using the diary section to track my expenses. This is it so it says everyday is a fresh start and it is a photo of organizing all of your receipts and spending so the lady in the store recommended this to me because she uses the same and ha every accountant is going to love me in 2019 and I’m definitely

going to be a lot more on top of my spending and more savvy with how I spend my money. So it comes with different stickers, you can organize all of these following photos according to the months of the year. I think that’s how I’m going to do it rather than different categories. And you just write down the date, the amount of money you spent text involved and the details for items that receipt and you’ve got their seat in the back right so last thing I bought for myself is a wall calendar and actually have this one for 2018. I thought it came in handy so much I want one for next year as well. It does have some beautiful quotes for each month. As you can see on the back that’s little way out there. And I just think I prefer to have a monthly calendar above my desk. Rather than using the monthly spread in my diary, I’ll probably use that monthly spread as well. But I think this is easier just to map out everything and it helps you to feel less overwhelmed especially when you have a really busy month because you can break it all down and say that even though there’s a lot going on, it’s probably early according to specific weeks or days and little chunks throughout the month. It’s not usually a really flat out month although December has been pretty busy for me. So I do think I’m going to use this a lot and I can’t wait to hang it up in Adam and my new apartment. So what little goodies did I pick up for the giveaway. I’ve got two things in here. First thing is the 2019 at daily view diary, which I picked up for myself as well in the past or pink. I just really liked the land and format of the story. I think it’s going to help you stay more organized and there’s plenty of room to write everything down. And then to help you write everything down. I also picked up these really really cute pens says one with ladybirds, one with cats, rainbows and hearts and one with cherries. And I thought that was just a really cute little giveaway to kick start your 2019 So again, just follow me on Instagram and you can check out the details for how to enter their at study with just and also I will leave a link down below of all the glasses that I showed you earlier in this video, including the ones I’m wearing now. Thanks to glasses. So do check.

them out. And don’t forget to tune in next week for another video. Just turn on your notifications and I’ll see you very soon.
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